With $2MM in additional funding, Knowledge Futures Group launches Membership program and Community Services Joins the Knowledge Futures Group’s brand-new membership program, as a Contributing Member, in support of PubPub—the versatile open source platform we use to publish our books and History of Media Studies—and KFG's other projects. The membership program is intended to help chart a sustainable future for the nonprofit and its indispensable scholarly infrastructure:
KFG was founded as a direct response to commercialized knowledge infrastructure that is driving behavior and culture in undesirable, often exploitative ways. The value we create goes towards our public mission and not maximizing the profit of shareholders. This keeps us focused on building free software, helping people use our products, and increasing public access to knowledge. As the relationship between us and the people who use our tools has evolved into a mutually supporting community, it has become clear that we must build a business model that allows both us and our community to continue to work sustainably. […] We believe it is imperative that our long-term strategy prioritizes moving away from being primarily grant and gift-supported, to being primarily supported by our community via mission-oriented revenue streams. We’re dedicated to aligning our success with our ability to ensure the success of those who use our products, making us more sustainable over the long term.
Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash