Letter to Edward Atkinson sent from New Orleans
New Orleans, April 13th, 1887
Edward Atkinson Esq.1
Boston, Mass.
My dear Sir:
I have got thus far in the work of visiting the chief intelligence centres. I have come from Chicago by way of St. Paul, Omaha, Cheyenne, Denver, Leadville, Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis and Nashville. I go from here to Galveston. From there I shall return to New York by way of Birmingham, Atlanta, Savannah and Charleston. I have succeeded in banding together the leading newspapers to receive intelligence from New York. I shall begin by sending out matter for publication which will bear mail transportation. You know I am relying upon you for valuable assistance. I can handle now to a greater advantage than ever before everything that you may write, save at times the more elaborate matters and that too. I shall see you in Boston soon after reaching New York. I expect to be in New York about April 25th at the latest.
Yours, very truly,
Franklin Ford.