Front matter of Walter Lippmann. Liberty and the News. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920.
Liberty and the News, originally published in 1920 by the Harcourt, Brace and Howe, is in the public domain.
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Published by in the Public Domain series | 414 W. Broad St., Bethlehem, PA 18018, USA
New materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 (CC by-nc 4.0)
Cover design: Mark McGillivray | Copy-editing & proofing: Petra Dreiser
Credit for scan: Internet Archive, from the collections of the University of Michigan, 2008 upload
Credit for LaTeX template: Book design inspired by Edward Tufte, by The Tufte-LaTeX Developers
isbn 978-1-951399-02-3 (print) | isbn 978-1-951399-03-0 (ebook)
doi 10.32376/3f8575cb.2e69e142
Library of Congress Control Number 2020950484
Project MUSE | OAPEN | Internet Archive | Apple Books
Edition 1 published in November 2020
In writing this tract I have dared to believe that many things were possible because of the personal example offered to all who practice journalism by Mr. C. P. Scott, for over forty-five years editor-in-chief of the Manchester Guardian. In the light of his career it cannot seem absurd or remote to think of freedom and truth in relation to the news.
Two of the essays in this volume, “What Modern Liberty Means” and “Liberty and the News” were published originally in the Atlantic Monthly. I wish to thank Mr. Ellery Sedgwick for the encouragment he gave me while writing them, and for permission to reprint them in this volume.
W. L.
New York City.
January 1, 1920.
Front matter of Walter Lippmann. Liberty and the News. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920.