a mediastudies.press media manifold edition
with a new introduction by Sue Curry Jansen
What Was Artificial Intelligence?
What Was Artificial Intelligence? includes an eponymous chapter originally published as Sue Curry Jansen, “What Was Artificial Intelligence?” in Critical Communication Theory: Power, Media, Gender, and Technology (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002). Reprinted with permission.
Published by mediastudies.press in the Media Manifold series
mediastudies.press | 414 W. Broad St., Bethlehem, PA 18018, USA
New materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 (CC by-nc 4.0)
Cover design: Jeff Pooley | Copy-editing & proofing: Emily Alexander
Credit for cover & hero image: Photo by Massimo Botturi on Unsplash
Credit for LaTeX template: Book design inspired by Edward Tufte, by The Tufte-LaTeX Developers
isbn 978-1-951399-06-1 (print) | isbn 978-1-951399-05-46 (ebook)
doi 10.32376/3f8575cb.0cc62523
Library of Congress Control Number 2022930299
Project MUSE | OAPEN | Internet Archive | Google Books | Apple Books
Edition 1 published in April 2022